Well hello impact junkie, let’s go change some lives together.

Join a Go Group with Philip and other Impact Junkies + fund impact monthly. $25/mo

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See the impact you have made in Honduras.

This national tour with the US State Department, Honduran universities, journalists, entrepreneurs, faith leaders, mayors, and more reached over 900 entrepreneurs across the nation with message of hope and tools to turn passion into action - and a televised broadcast of millions. 

Join a Go Group*
*Check back often

  • Start something with IJ Zuri Obado

    Go Group: Thursdays @ 2pm eastern
    June 15 - Aug 31

  • Morning jumpstart with IJ Clarissa Luna

    Go Group Tuesdays @ 8:30am eastern
    June 15 - Aug 31

  • Business + Impact with IJ Philip Harding

    Go Group Tuesdays @ 10am eastern
    Live in Central Asia (Russian/English)

  • Impact in the metaverse with Philip Harding

    Meet in immersive virtual worlds.
    Tuesdays @ 3pm et June 13 - Aug 31

  • Faith in action with IJ John Guedry

    The Anchor, Beaumont TX
    Sundays @ 5pm eastern
    May 14 - August 13

  • Faith, Finance, Business with Steve Drury

    Go Group starting soon.
    Reserve your spot.

  • Walk, talk, or ride with Philip Harding

    Exercise and work together.
    Reserve your spot.

Keep going.
Access all Go Groups materials + impact lives at the same time.

Impact Junkie Member

Stay hooked. Join a Go Group with Philip and other Impact Junkie guides + fund impact monthly. $25/month

Full access to Go Groups lesson videos + exercises + guides (unlimited)

Live Go Groups for support

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Ongoing updates IJ training and support

Guides to lead a Go Group

Your membership funds access for another Impact Junkie around the world

Cancel anytime

Want to fund more than one IJ around the world?

Take action for others and for you.

Every $25 = one month scholarship
Every $300 = a full year scholarship

“This is the dreamer’s guide to action I needed years ago. I wanted to do more, I felt a calling, but I was stuck.

Six years and thousands of lives later, I have discovered what works.

This is how to live out your passion, purpose, and calling.

Take the journey with me and go around the world with other IJs to live out your purpose.”

- Philip Harding

Watch the first Go Groups session video here.