Be a Go Groups Leader

You live out your purpose by helping others live out theirs.

All Go Group videos, leader guide, updates, and year of support sessions to help you make it happen. $275

Go Groups Leader Kit

Stay hooked. Join live support Q/A days with Philip and other Impact Junkie coaches + fund impact monthly.
$275 / access + support for a year

Full access to Go Groups lesson videos + exercises + guides (unlimited)

Live demo days for support

Connect with other global IJs

Ongoing updates IJ training and support

Your membership funds access for another Impact Junkie around the world

Keep going.
Access all Go Groups materials + impact lives at the same time.

Impact Junkie Member

Stay hooked. Join a Go Group with Philip + fund impact monthly. $25/month

Full access to Go Groups lesson videos + exercises + guides (unlimited)

Live Go Groups for support

Connect with other global IJs

Ongoing updates IJ training and support

Guides to lead a Go Group

Your membership funds access for another Impact Junkie around the world

Cancel anytime

Go Groups x Faith in Action

Buy the Participant Guidebook $30

Frequent questions

  • Snaps! This means you are going to the next level on your journey by empowering others on their journey. You will recruit a group ready to scale up their purpose with entrepreneurship and facilitate 12 sessions with them over at least 90 days. You will receive a leader guide with all the prompts and discussion questions for each session.

  • You get access to ongoing support sessions with Philip, other IJ guides, and other Go Group leaders. These will be conducted through regular calls and online group video sessions.

  • No! You just need to have a heart for bringing people together to live out their purpose. You are not teaching the concepts, but facilitating group meetings with feedback and discussion. You will have guide and video for each session. Being an expert coach or teacher wouldn’t hurt of course, but is not necessary.

  • Each session is designed to be one hour with a video and discussion questions to guid group the conversation and demo days.

  • Absolutely. Once you join, you have access to be part of other Go Group sessions guided by other IJ mentors. You will also have leader sessions each month.