Go Groups

Session Eleven

Go Groups: Session Eleven
Change Lives: Storytelling for Action
Philip Harding

Session overview

In a time long ago, amidst a world filled with towering mountains, treacherous valleys, winding rivers, and deep canyons, a brave group of individuals embarked on a daring quest. They were destined to change lives, to reshape destinies, and to forge a new path towards greatness. The journey ahead promised new beginnings, unexpected challenges, and the arrival of new companions who would shape their story.

The call echoed through the land, reverberating in their hearts and souls. "Who will you bring with you?" This question marked the beginning of their epic adventure, a question that held the key to their destiny. Module four beckoned them to build upon the knowledge and experiences acquired in their previous quests. The data they had collected, the research they had conducted, and the interviews they had undertaken were the stepping stones that led them to this pivotal moment.

Module 4 Experiments

  1. Your story. Your pitch. (iterate based on feedback and reflection)

    Bring together all your learning, work, data, interviews, experiments, and feedback from the previous three modules. Tell the story of your journey, the characters you’ve met, their stories, and their adventures and learning you’ve had together. Get creative. Stay empathetic to your audience. Use the change lives pitch template to bring together all these elements. Try a few different ways to tell the story and iterate based on the feedback you receive.

  2. Feedback and Reflection 🫰🏼🫰🏼

    Get feedback / input from other people and reflect on your experiments. You are always pitching.


  1. Think about the story and how it can be shared with others.

  2. Use an empathetic approach when reaching out to people.

  3. Think of storytelling as a tool for communication.

  4. You have been gathering data, researching, and interviewing

  5. Stay focused on the problem you are trying to solve

  6. Innovation is a process

  7. Use the data points and interviews to tell your story

  8. Involve others in the story and invite them to see for themselves.

  9. Jesus used stories to communicate spiritual things

  10. Think of the journey so far as a story

  11. You have everything you need to tell your story and pitch

  12. Have fun. This is what you were made to do.


  • We are in a new module, focusing on building a movement and telling a powerful story to inspire others.

  • The main question being addressed is "who will you bring with you?" by sharing your solution and living out your purpose-driven life.

  • You are constantly pitching

  • Stay focused on the problem rather than just falling in love with your idea for a solution.

  • Jesus used storytelling as a tool for change and as an example to follow. Overall, the module aims to provide participants with all the necessary elements to tell their story effectively and invite people into it.

  • Jesus built a movement through the example of "come and see." He invites people to experience things for themselves rather than just telling them about it.

  • The story of the woman at the well is an example of empathy and empowerment, where Jesus knew her deeply and equipped her to go reach others.

  • Storytelling is key in communicating spiritual ideas.

  • Know your audience, empower them with tools, and share your story.


Session Ten : Go Tell Your Story


Session Twelve : Around the Circle